Criminal justice reform with safer neighborhoods

Why does the United States have more people in jail than any other advanced country in the world? No one disagrees that dangerous criminals belong behind bars. However, many of those who are incarcerated could be living productive lives and caring for their families. 

This would greatly reduce the associated costs of government and help keep families intact. Kids from stable families feel less stress and do better in school—meaning they are less likely to end up in prison themselves.

Separating dangerous criminals from low level offenders requires innovative, effective juvenile diversion programs. I’ll help push these through the legislature and work with local police and the sheriff department to implement them.

Just a few examples:

  • Sports leagues and arts programs for first time offenders.
  • Thorough evaluations by mental health, education, faith-based, and law enforcement professionals to determine what will help offenders the most.
  • Addiction and mental health support services.
  • Career training and job placement.